A Little Guide

Hi there!

I've received feedback that the game is a bit hard to understand at first, so here is a little tutorial:

Game Jam Notice: I know this might not be included when the game is reviewed by the jury since I posted this after submissions were closed. I just want to help people get started because of the lackluster tutorial I made :)

Color Sliders:

You will receive a value from each panel (e.g., the Sound Sampling System which gives the value for green). These values need to be input into the sliders and applied by pressing the button on the panel. If you haven't unlocked all the panels yet, don't worry about the other values.

Sound Sampling System - Green (Unlocked in Level 1):

 The goal is to adjust the knobs beneath the display so the white sine-wave matches the green sine-wave. To do this, you have to first turn on the system with the switch on the left side of the panel (you need to turn on every panel individually). Then adjust the knobs which stand for (from left to right): Amplitude/Height, Frequency/Width, and Offset. Finally, press the button on the right side of the panel to apply the wave. If the wave is correct, the screen will show a value which you have to input into the green slider on your left. If the wave isn't correct, try to adjust it more and press the button again.

Electric Resistance Measurement System - Blue (Unlocked in Level 2):

(This is pretty much just Simon says.) Press the buttons in the shown order. If the order was not correct, the panel will turn off, and you'll have to turn it on again. If the order was correct, press the lit button and the value will be shown after a few seconds.

Thermal Reactivity Recorder - Red (Unlocked in Level 3):

To complete this puzzle, you have to get the black and white "heat-indicator" into the green range on the display. To heat up the room (and move the indicator), you have to flip the switch. The indicator needs to stay inside the green range for a certain amount of time, then the red value will be shown.

That should be it! If you have any feedback, please write a comment and thank you for playing!

Get Shadow Pandemic

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